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Brush your teeth after every 6 loss due to mistakes

We ignore many of dental care. Everything is better now, take care of the problem until we have been capricious dental care. Do not just brush the teeth and tooth pain severe damage to the teeth, we neglect ourselves. Without teeth, but do not think of how we eat.
Brush teeth regularly, even if some of the various problems. It's because we do not know many of the rules and the proper tooth brush and tooth brush, tooth decay call their own. Take note of any errors so today after brushing our teeth damage.

We do not know the right time to brush your teeth
There are many who rush to brush did a lot of the time. Was composed of only a few minutes after tooth brushing. Gnashing of teeth is brushed for too long while others are. These two things are harmful to teeth. The minutes of the appointed time to brush teeth. Keep in mind during the next two minutes to brush teeth during tooth brushing word.

Brush teeth do not know the exact rules
Many of us do not know the exact rules toothbrushes. And to know it's not just the money. It is very much harmful for teeth. Brush teeth brushed downward on the right rules. Take the habit of brushing the teeth at the bottom of the well to the Orthodox.

Brush up on too loud
Many think aloud about tooth brush can clean teeth ghastly faster and more thoroughly. But this is a big mistake to do the work. Enamel on teeth is much faster than the loss of other teeth are brushed and marirao ghastly damage. Gnashing of teeth is to brush gently on the way.
Do not gargle properly
When we do not wash the mouth after brushing our teeth, resulting in a loss to rush. If the food and bacteria in our mouth after brushing. Thus it is better if we do not gargle. So after a little time to brush better to gargle.

To make better use of brush
Many Tooth brush not careful when buying any kind. Get hands brush so purchased. But take a look at when buying a toothbrush is soft brisal whether your brushes. Briseler stiff brush and tooth loss. Now even better with the price and the toothbrush so little.

Be on guard when buying tooth paste                                                                           
Many people have purchased any tooth paste. Different kinds of tooth paste from the market, while others do not have to buy toothpaste. This action is not blown. Be careful when buying tooth paste. Do not buy the tooth paste of baking soda. It is the loss of tooth enamel

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