Your Balance Put on bKash and Interest on Savings
Interest on Savings
“I save money in my bKash Account,
I also get interest on it”
Interest on Savings
Along with keeping money safe, you can also enjoy up to 4% Interest (per annum) on Savings on your bKash Account.
Interest is offered to bKash Customer Accounts only.
Interest Rate:
Rate p. a
BDT 1,000 – BDT 5,000.99
BDT 5,001 – BDT 15,000.99
BDT 15,001 – BDT 50,000.99
BDT 50,001 and more
For an instance, if you keep a minimum balance of BDT 1,000 in your bKash Account throughout a month, do at least 2 transactions and keep an average day end balance between BDT 1,000 and BDT 5,000.99 in that month, you will get 1.5% interest at annual rate. on the average balance of that month. VAT & AIT will be deducted as per Govt. rules.
Conditions for attaining interest:
- Your Wallet Opening Form (KYC) must be accepted at bKash and your Account status must be active
- You must do minimum 2 financial transactions (Cash In, Cash Out, ATM Cash Out, Payment, Send Money or Buy Airtime) in a calendar month
- You need to maintain a minimum day end balance of BDT 1,000 throughout a calendar month
- You will earn interest on your wallet balance based on the slab of minimum day end balance of the month
- Interest will be calculated at the end of the month based on your average day end balance of that month
- The interest amount will be credited after necessary government TAX/VAT deduction to your bKash wallet
- The cumulative amount of your earned interest will be disbursed in two terms in a year
Service Activation:
Upon fulfilling the above mentioned conditions, all existing and new bKash customers can earn interest; no service activation is required
Service Deactivation:
If you do not wish to receive interest on your bKash Wallet, please follow the steps below:
- Call 16247
- Select language ( 1 for Bangla and 2 for English )
- Press 5 for Interest on Savings and other information
- Press 1 for interest related information
- Press 1 to discontinue receiving interest (If you want to reactivate your previously discontinued interest service please press 2)
- You will be notified through an SMS after your status change request is processed.
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